Институт внутренних аудиторов

Вы знали о возможности продления срока сдачи СИА?
Удивительно было узнать, что, оказывается, срок сдачи экзаменов в ИВА можно продлить на год. Никакой благотворительности, конечно, $250, но все равно приятно.
Почему-то раньше эта информация не попадалась нигде. Что-то новое, или всегда так было?

Цитата (https://global.theiia.org/certification/Pages/Candidate-Eligibility-Extension.aspx)
New Program Extension for Certification Candidates

Certification candidates who are nearing the end of their four-year program eligibility window now have an opportunity to apply for an extension before their exam part(s) expire. This extension allows participating candidates who haven’t yet successfully completed their exam(s), or who have been accepted into the program but have not yet taken their exam(s), an opportunity to extend their program eligibility 12 months. Candidates who have entered one of The IIA’s certification programs (CIA, CCSA, CFSA, CGAP, or CRMA) initially have four years to complete their exam(s) and earn their certification.

Candidates may take advantage of The IIA’s new one-time Certification Candidate Program Extension* at a cost of US$250 per applicant. This applies to all IIA certifications.

*This offer may not be valid in all IIA institute countries. Candidates in these countries should contact their local IIA representatives.

С 1 января 2015 г.
In God we trust. Others we audit